Vance Harris
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Enshrined : 2010
Central Football Officials
A member of the Central Connecticut Association of Football Officials since 1982, Vance Harris quickly became a solid football official moving up the ranks. Employed by A. H.
Harris & Sons, Inc., Vance had moved out of the area from 1987-1992, but came back to resume his football officiating career. Once again he moved up the ranks and was assigned
a Class LL semi-final in 1995 as a Back Judge. He moved to the referee position and has had five CIAC semi- and final games throughout his career, the last one in 2008.
His quick grasp of the rules and his ability to communicate well with others gained him appointments as the group's NCAA interpreter, chairman of the College Committee,
and a member of the Better Officiating Committee, Assignment and Curriculum Committees. He joined the Eastern Association of Intercollegiate Football Officials and worked
ECAC Division II and III games as a linesman, and later referee. He joined the staff of the East Coast Athletic Conference as a referee working from 1996-2003 and has
been on the staff of the ECFOA since 2004. He joined the NEC staff in 2007. He has three NCAA Division II and III playoff games to his credit, his last being in 2009.
As a member of the EAIFO's Connecticut Chapter, he is a Past-President, and past Chairman of the Better Officiating, and Clinic/Curriculum Committees. He is married
to the former Sally Jane Conant and the couple has three children.